Jesus keeps asking the good questions that encourage us to dig deeper into knowing him, ourselves, and our faith better. No matter if the question prompts a straightforward conversation or awakens tender doubts that require far more time to fully consider, Lent small groups commit to wondering together in safe space. When we give ourselves to taking Jesus' questions seriously in community, we may be surprised by the answers that arise from us.
Look for any updates or additions to these groups on this page, and in our weekly eNews.
Men’s Lenten Group
Monday evenings in Lent, 7:00 PM (March 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14) | at the homes of Chris Owens and Josh Pater
Group Leaders: Chris Owens and Josh Pater
Capacity: 10 Participants
This group will meet weekly, around dinner, during Lent in the hope of exploring our lives and our faith while becoming closer as friends. Our discussions will focus on conversation questions connected to our Lenten worship focus, Questions Jesus Asks.
This group is at full capacity.
God Talk
Tuesday evenings in Lent, 5:30-6:30 PM (March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8) | at Plymouth
Group Leader: Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey
Capacity: 10 Participants
We begin to piece together our concept of God from the time we are babies. And our faith develops because of our collected life experiences and in response to the stories passed on to us. Together, we will talk all about how we understand God, the experiences that got us to this place, and learn about different theological worlds. Rob Bell’s book What We Talk About When We Talk About God will accompany us along the way.
A Beautiful, Terrible Lent
Wednesday evenings in Lent, 7:00-8:00 PM (March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9) | Vineapple
Group Leader: Morgan Proffitt-Davis
Capacity: 15 Participants
Lent is one of the most honest seasons of the church year, when we are invited to bring to our faith journey the complex range of emotions we carry. As a group, we will read through Kate Bowler's new devotional book, Have a Beautiful Terrible Lent, which focuses on embracing the paradoxes inherent in the Lenten journey. Lent is “beautiful terrible,” full of challenges and hardships, but the hope is that there’s beauty and transformative potential within those struggles. Come if you want to show up honestly to this season, and develop spiritual friendships along the way.
Wednesday Bible Study: Making the Road Together
Wednesday mornings in Lent, 10:30 AM-noon (March 12, 19, 26, April 4, 9) | the Music Room at Plymouth
(with a hybrid option for those joining online)
Group Leader: Elizabeth Snypes
During Lent, the Wednesday Bible Study will be reading select chapters from Brian McLaren's book We Make the Road by Walking. Together we will explore our faith and be "inspired and activated in our spiritual journey." All are welcome, even if you are participating in another small group.
Community Crock Pot Salon
Friday evenings in Lent, 6:30-9:00 PM (March 7, 14, 21, 28, April dates TBD) | at the Koster home
Group Leaders: Caroline and James Koster
Capacity: 20 Participants
Not unlike Dorothy Parker’s round table, we will eat and discuss ideas—asking what Christians do, have done, should do and how we can help. We will prepare some discussion, but each participant will share during one of the evenings: 3-5 minutes of something that inspires them—a writing, poem, essay, piece of music, artwork, snippet of film or idea—either your work or someone else’s. By the end, we will all have a chance to share. If that scares you, so be it.
March 7: Leadership and Community
March 14: Law and Justice
March 21: Technology and Hope
March 28: Vice and Sacrifice
April Fridays: The Big Stew (TBD)
Gather starting at 6:30 PM, Discussion/Dinner: 7-9:00 PM
Childcare will be provided. Broad age range and Plymouth tenure encouraged. Come and simmer low and slow.
Plymouth Goes to the Theater
Saturday mornings in Lent, 9:30-10:30 AM (March 15, 29, April 5, 12) | at the parsonage
Group Leader: Brett Younger
Capacity: 14 Participants
Some of our sacred moments take place in theater. We go for amusement or education and end up with insight and wonder that come remarkably close to what happens in worship. The best plays and musicals offer hope and transcendence. As a group, we will watch trailers for five Broadway shows, read reviews, and talk about the intersection of faith and theater.
Attention and Prayer
Saturday mornings in Lent, 9-10:00 AM (March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12) | at the home of Becky Lewis
Group Leader: Becky Lewis
Capacity: 6 Participants
The season of Lent encourages us to pay closer attention to our lives, to our hearts, to God. Using Julia Cameron’s book The Listening Path: The Creative Art of Attention, we will deepen our ability to listen and observe, and in turn, find clarity and connection within ourselves as creative people and within our Plymouth community.
This group is at full capacity.
Prayerful Coping
Sunday mornings in Lent, 9:45-10:45 AM (March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6) | at Plymouth
Group Leader: John Leighton
Capacity: 12 Participants
Faith and scripture give us guides for living well. Coping skills like gratitude, meditation, and connection help us handle stress and difficult situations, and negative ones like anger or comparison make stress worse. In this class, we will read Lenten and other scriptures, list ways of good and bad coping they present to us, and address everyday issues with sermon study and biblical commentary. This is a good group for anyone who has not done a lot of Bible study or is looking to do more.
Childcare will be provided.
More Details to Come
Liturgical Arts Group
Time and Location TBA based on the group members (Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays for 2-3 hours) | at Penelope’s home
Group Leader: Penelope Kulko
Capacity: 5 Participants
While we piece together communal tapestry art for worship, we will consider the questions coming up for us in this season: How do we live our lives with purpose, not in theory but in daily practice? How do we hold onto faith in the face of all the sorrow and wrong and horrible right now? Is there a way to re-engage the world without being emotionally crushed and stressed?
We will bring our honest discernment to the pieces we sew, stitch, and embroider together. We will support each other in our struggles, and create beauty in ways we haven't imagined.
Prerequisites: To join this group, you should have some interest and experience in sewing, stitching, knitting, embroidery—something needlework-oriented, that is portable and that you can bring with you each week.