Migrant Ministry Coat Drive & Winter Distribution

January 5-24 | Clothing Drive
January 25-26 | Hillis Hall Distribution

We are collecting winter coats and warm clothing for our newest neighbors this month, from January 5-24. We will open Hillis Hall on Saturday and Sunday, January 25-26, for a community distribution. In addition to your gently used warm clothes, we need lots of volunteers.

Your donations can also be dropped off weekdays & Sundays 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM in designated bins at the Hicks Street entrance.

MLK Day of Service | Monday, January 20, 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM (meet at Plymouth)

In honor of Dr. King’s birthday, we will spread out across the city in teams to serve with amazing organizations working toward MLK’s beloved community. This year we will be visiting and working with Little Essentials, Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries, and Ruth’s Refuge. At Plymouth, we will also work on projects for CHIPS and our upcoming clothing distribution. We have volunteer opportunities for all ages. Sign up on Realm.

The Shelter Returns to Plymouth in February | Sign Up to Volunteer

One of the most Christian ways we use our church building is by housing men during the cold winter months. This year, Plymouth will host up to 10 men overnight throughout the month of February. The shelter will be open Sunday-Thursday nights in Hillis Hall, starting February 2. We will need volunteers to open the shelter, cook dinner, and stay overnight. Plymouth’s shelter is successful every year because of our volunteer commitment. Click here to sign-up to help in this important work.

Wednesday Bible Study | Wednesdays @ 10:30 AM | Music room

Please join us for some midweek inspiration and fellowship at Bible study! Weekly on Wednesdays, our group meets at 10:30 AM in the Music Room, and we are always open to newcomers. Come get to know other Plymouth people and share over scripture. To be added to our email list, please email Elizabeth Snypes.

Volunteer @ Plymouth #plymouthcares

As followers of Jesus, we know the joy of giving ourselves away. Serving connects our faith to community and brings us into God’s transforming work. Plymouth has many chances to serve in our broader community and in our own church. Click here to take a look through these opportunities and find a time to give yourself in love. 

Children, youth & families

Learn more about Plymouth’s Children, Families, and Youth programming here.

Sunday worship | in-person or online | Sundays @ 11:00 AM

We invite you to join us for Sunday worship in-person or online. From our website you can watch the live-streamed service, access a digital copy of the bulletin, and set up your offering online. We’re grateful for the opportunity to connect with you every week!