Is not formal worship, some ask, an irrelevant waste of time? Perhaps it can be so construed. For candles and flowers are as irrelevant as the song of birds, hymn and chant are as non-utilitarian as a lover’s kiss, prayers and litanies are just words—cheap as children’s smiles. And yet, that is the whole point of it—that we who are poor bring to God who lacks nothing that which costs us nothing to bring, but which expresses to God our faith and devotion, and, before the world, our dependence.
-D. T. Niles
We invite you to join us for Sunday Worship in the Plymouth sanctuary Sundays at 11:00 AM. Please enter by way of 57 Orange Street. Doors open at 10:30 AM. Coffee and Fellowship to follow in the Arcade and Reception Room.
Ash Wednesday | March 5 | 7:00 PM
Our 40-Day Lenten journey begins with our earnest prayers on Ash Wednesday. Being honest about our limitedness keeps us open to God's unlimited love. We receive the mark of the ashes, hearing that we are made of dust, and one day we will be dust again, and so we remember we are connected to everything that is.